Empowering the Corporate World: The Tangible Benefits of Self-Defense Courses for Employees

In today's dynamic corporate world, the focus is shifting from traditional training modules to holistic employee well-being. One such avenue gaining traction is self-defense training. But why should a corporation invest in self-defense courses for its employees? Let's delve into the tangible benefits that resonate both at the individual and organizational levels.

  • 1. Fostering Trust: The New Team Building Self-defense is more than just physical techniques; it's an exercise in trust. Picture this: two colleagues, who've only exchanged pleasantries in meetings, now guiding each other through a mock defense scenario. This mutual reliance goes beyond any regular team-building activity, laying the foundation for genuine camaraderie.

  • 2. Stress-Busting: The Physical Way With a staggering 83% of US workers grappling with work-related stress, self-defense offers a unique outlet. Every punch and kick becomes a way to channel this stress, promoting a harmonious and mentally rejuvenated workplace.

  • 3. Discipline & Focus: Beyond the Mat The precision required in executing a self-defense move mirrors the concentration needed for crucial projects. Employees trained in self-defense naturally bring this heightened discipline to their desks, approaching tasks with unmatched focus.

  • 4. Decision Making: Quick & Effective In self-defense, every second counts. Regular training sharpens the ability to make rapid decisions, a skill that's invaluable in high-stakes corporate scenarios.

  • 5. Physical Fitness: A Brain Boost The CDC underscores the link between physical activity and brain health. As employees engage in self-defense, they're not just building muscle but also enhancing alertness and productivity.

  • 6. Safety First: A Cultural Shift A company that champions self-defense inherently values safety. This proactive approach prepares employees for challenges, fostering a vigilant and resilient workforce.

  • 7. Shining in the Spotlight: PR Done Right In today's world, where corporate ethics are scrutinized, companies that prioritize employee well-being naturally stand out. Such initiatives not only enhance public image but also attract top talent.

  • 8. Empowerment: The Confidence Boost Self-defense is synonymous with empowerment. Armed with these skills, employees tackle challenges head-on, exuding confidence in every endeavor.

  • 9. Productivity: The Well-being Link A Gallup poll highlighted the positive impact of employee well-being on performance. Feeling safe and empowered naturally fuels motivation, leading to increased productivity.

  • 10. Loyalty & Retention: The Long-term Gain When employees feel valued, they stay. Investing in their safety and well-being fosters loyalty, ensuring the company's core remains strong and thriving.


Internationally Renowned - A Leading Self Defense Expert In The Industry!

Nick is distinguished as one of the most prized self-defense experts in the world and founder of Nick Drossos Defensive Tactics System. He combines a plethora of meticulously designed self-defense techniques to educate and empower his pupils. Nick executes high-caliber skills that include awareness training, subjective assessments of violence, weapon defense, stress training, and real-life scenario drills.


Trader Joe's Captains

In today's dynamic corporate world, the focus is shifting from traditional training modules to holistic employee well-being. One such avenue gaining traction is self-defense training.

7 Reasons to Learn Self-Defence: It’s Life Saving and Life Changing

Self-Defense is a matter of life and death. Either you’ll survive an attack, or you won’t. So, learning to protect yourself is indispensable. Moreover, safeguarding from potential dangers is not a luxury but essential for a healthy well-being and a powerful mindset. Everyone must understand that self-defense begins before any attack, before the split second that changes everything.


The CDC underscores the link between physical activity and brain health. As employees engage in self-defense, they're not just building muscle but also enhancing alertness and productivity.

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Situational Awareness

  • Verbal De Escalation Tactics

  • Striking Fundamentals

  • Common Attacks

  • Improvised Weapons

  • Evade and Escape Tactics

  • Role Playing and Scenario Training

  • +Each Seminar or Webinar Can Be Customized For Your Needs


Nick has been featured in Men’s Health, Authority, GTI Magazine, and ‘Read this If You Want To Be YouTube Famous’ and countless others. Accolades also include appearances on City TV, TVBS National, Todd Shapiro, and Breakfast Television.


Empowering Personal Protection

  • Awareness:  Alert and readiness for anything, cognitive of surroundings

  • Mental focus: Self-disciplined, goal-oriented mindset, quick decision-making, assertiveness

  • Warrior Spirit:  Preparation for battle and survival, grit and courage 

  • Protection:  Disable, protect and escape an attack

  • Fighters Reflex: Move quickly and smart in any situation

  • Emotional Control: Recognize, and manage everyday fear, grace, and poise under pressure


Corporate Synergies

Our online corporate training is a great team building activity, that builds confidence and empowers. This complete self defense and survival guide webinar encompasses everything for awareness, striking fundamentals, escape tactics and much more.


  • What's the benefit of signing up to this course?

    This course, is a great way to get your team together and learn Self Defense while building confidence and creating a fun activity.

  • Can we customize a course?

    Yes! we can build and design the webinar or live according to your needs.

  • What type of Self Defense will my team learn?

    Nick Drossos, has over 20 years experience in the field of personal protection. This course is reality based self defense, including Krav Maga and Nick Drossos Defensive Tactics.

  • Is this webinar only available online?

    This event, can be both live or online depending on the location and availability.

  • How many people can attend the webinar?

    It's as maximum of 25 people that can attend at one time, online or live.

  • Is this course for all levels?

    This is a beginners course, but depending if there are more sessions booked, we cover more advanced topics.

  • How long is the webinar or live session?

    Each session, depends on the topic, and if it's online or live. For more info contact [email protected] or click the link and set up a free consultation to learn more.


Seminars Have Been Featured:


Physical Fitness: A Brain Boost

The CDC underscores the link between physical activity and brain health. As employees engage in self-defense, they're not just building muscle but also enhancing alertness and productivity.


Corporate Training

Maria Messina - VP, Personal Risk Insurance, Eastern Region Manager

On Thursday September 28th , myself and 24 company employees, had the pleasure of participating in a 2hr Self defense class with Nick Drossos . To say the experience was impressive , amazing and empowering is a huge understatement. Nick’s passion for the topic was shining through throughout the entire session. He not only taught us skills that we can use but he also made us aware of what to look out for , how to carry yourself so not to be a target and how to diffuse a situation. We all had a fantastic time learning from Nick .


Get Your Team Together, and Learn How To Keep Safe In And Out Of Your Workplace.

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